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Pastor Deborah

20 APR 2024 BFA-HMD
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What if  you could know your God-given calling and gifting?

What if you could have answers to questions such as:-

How does God want to use me?

How do I serve God?

How to I participate with God in building his church?

How do I contribute to building up of people for God?

All of these questions are answered when you discover

your God-given gifting and calling.

What if you could know what that is?

We believe the answer to how we are to minister with

God is found in the biblical example Paul instructs for believers.


And He gave some as APOSTLES, and some as PROPHETS,

and some as EVANGELISTS, and some as PASTOR'S and TEACHERS,

- for the EQUIPPING of the saints

- for the WORK of SERVICE,

- to the BUILDING UP of the BODY of CHRIST;

- until we all attain to the UNITY of the FAITH,

- and of the KNOWLEDGE of the SON of GOD,

- to a MATURE man,

- to the measure of the stature which belongs to the FULLNESS of CHRIST.


Dear Apostle and Dream Awakener.

Your contribution to the ministry of God is to awaken people

to their God designed potential.

You are instrumental in people discovering who they really are, and walking alongside them to get there.

You have a unique gifting that is essential to the ministry of God. About You

You are able to see the potential in others giftings before they do.

You are able to see clearly what needs to be done.

You are opinionated for what people need to do in their own life.

You love to see things happen and get frustrated when they don’t.

You come alive when you are able to help others achieve something.

You are able to make other people’s journey your own.

You don’t mind bending the rules and coloring outside the lines.

You take joy in people’s victories and share in their struggles.

You are not afraid to share truth about a situation even if it costs you.

Without you

- people don’t know what they are capable of

- people don’t have someone to come alongside them and

grow them.

- things stay the same.

People remain unchanged.

The VISION for the Apostolic

Every person can KNOW who they REALLY ARE.

Every person can KNOW their POTENTIAL in GOD.

Every person can BECOME who they were created to be.

As you dream, pray and plan, ask yourselves these questions:

How do we best accomplish helping people discover who they

really are in Christ?

How can we best awaken people to their potential?

How do we help, walk alongside, and direct people to become who they were created to be?


A description of the role, and gifting with the Prophet in the

Five Fold Ministry:-


Dear Prophet and Heart Revealer.

Your contribution to the ministry of God is to reveal the manifest HEART of GOD for His people.

You are instrumental in people hearing God’s heart for the very first time and showing them how they too can hear God’s voice as a birthright of their salvation.

You have a unique gifting that is essential to the ministry of God.

About You

You cannot standby while there is injustice.

You are compelled to help the needy, broken and oppressed.

You are easily distracted by what seems like random thoughts, ideas, words and pictures.

You occasionally have vivid dreams.

You have a strong feeling for whether something is from God or not.

God's word must be the track in our lives

You believe life can is about choses and you can choose your destiny.

You frequently get gut feelings and are usually right about your opinions.

You can feel, understand and relate to God’s heart for people when you pray for them.

Feel with the basis that Jesus sees the sheep as lost sheep without shepherd

You are particularly encouraging and discerning.

When you read, God puts situations, people and specific examples into your heart.

You can distinguish between what is from God and what is not from God.

Everything we hear from God must be in line with the written word

Without you

people do not hear God.

people have no intimacy with God.

people attribute the works of satan to God.

The VISION for the Prophetic

Every person can know God’s heart for them.

Every person can be able to hear God’s voice for themselves.

As you dream, pray and plan, ask yourselves these questions:

How do we best accomplish helping people discover what

God’s heart for them is?

How can we best awaken people to hear the voice of God?

How do we help, walk alongside, and direct people to encountering God’s voice on a regular basis?


A description of the role, and gifting with the Evangelist in the

Five Fold Ministry:-


Dear Evangelist and Story Teller.

Your contribution to the  ministry of God is to make the stories of Jesus’ remarkable goodness and transformation famous.

You are the carrier of good news and are partners with Jesus in celebrating people’s transformation.

You stir curiosity and desire to know Jesus and play a significant role inviting people into God’s family.

You have a unique gifting that is essential to the ministry of God.

About You

Its really important to you to have friends, relationships and

a life outside your church circle.

You are able to get other people excited about what you are excited about.

You are highly adaptable and feel comfortable in almost any setting you are in.

You have a heart for people who are far from God.

You make other people feel comfortable when you are around.

You feel frustrated when church is more inward focused than outward focused.

The things you love, you REALLY love.

You are intentional and strategic before you open your mouth and say something.

You are really convinced that God is really really good.

You believe your life should speak louder than your words.

You can be bold and speak your mind – it sometimes catches people off guard.

You have an appreciation that life is short – you never know what will happen.

You get excited when eyes are upon you.

Without you

People don’t celebrate the transformations of God.

People are welcome to come to God’s family but are never invited.

People don’t know how to tell and share their own story.

People’s faith are stale and without enthusiasm.

The VISION for the Evangelistic

Every person can be invited into God’s family.

Every person can hear the amazing stories of God’s goodness and transformation.

Every person can be encouraged that God is alive today.

As you dream, pray and plan, ask yourselves these questions:

How do we best invite people into the family of God?

How do we best give people an invitation to experience the true God?

How do we best capture, share and promote the amazing stories of God?

How do we best demonstrate to the world that God is alive and active today?


A description of the role, and gifting with the Pastor in the

Five Fold Ministry:-


Dear Pastor and Soul Healer.

Your contribution to the ministry of God is to create an atmosphere for family and belonging.

You bring fun and enjoyment to God’s ministry and

allow people to feel like they are part of a greater family.

You are also instrumental in guiding people through brokenness back to wholeness and healing their soul from wounds that keep them where they are.

You have a unique gifting that is essential to God’s ministry.

About You

You have a good grasp on reality.

You are capable of helping others make better choices for themselves.

You are concerned for people’s hearts and emotions.

You feel people’s pain when they hurt.

You see the answers to relational dysfunction.

You embrace people and make them feel like they are welcome and included.

All about relation. This is a pastor, comes in to bring them back to one another.

You are exceptional at having fun and enjoying life.

You are an excellent listener.

You have a soft and tender heart for those who are hurting.

Without you

People remain in stuck in their pain and brokenness.

People are left out, left behind and forgotten.

People remain don’t know where to turn.

People are held down and not lifted up.

The Vision for the Pastoral

Every person can feel part of the family of God.

Every person can feel like they belong and are included.

Every person can be able to overcome brokenness and become whole. As you dream, pray and plan, ask yourselves these questions:

How do we best accomplish making every person feel like there are part of the family of God?

How do we best give people the gift of fun, inclusion and belonging?

How do we best help people to journey back from brokenness and reach wholeness?

How do we best give people the gift of fun, inclusion and belonging?

How do we best help people to journey back from brokenness and reach wholeness?

Teacher's responsibility is to bring the truth out

You have an anointing for breaking confusion and misinformation.

You are strategic in helping people know the truth of God and also how it applies to their own life.

You have a unique gifting that is essential to the ministry of God.

About You

You are curious for deeper understanding, learning and revelation.

You are able to explain complex ideas and concepts in ways people understand.

A teacher and a learner

You are the type that will search and research what

you don’t understand.

You are interested in topics some other people find very boring.

You feel like you can see situations clearly and provide clear answers.

You feel like you never stop learning.

The opportunity to share your perspective excites you.

You can feel frustrated when others don’t have the same hunger to learn like you.

Without you

Lies are never challenged.

People lives never embody the scriptures.

People don’t understand why they should change.

People are bored with the bible.

People are not curious and hungry to read the Bible.

The Vision for the Teaching

Every person can know God’s truth.

Every person can be able to understand the Bible.

Every person can know how to apply the truth of God to their life.

As you dream, pray and plan, ask yourselves these questions:

How do we best accomplish spreading the truth of God?

How do we best stir curiosity and desire for the scriptures?

How do we best help know how to apply the Bible to their life?

How do we best make complex and confusing topics clear?

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